Acacia brinley

 Watercolor's lead vocalist, previously Acacia Brinley has a loyal following on YouTube through her channel, acaciacutie. She posts videos of her being. She is committed to helping people suffering from self-harm, depression and suicide. When she was just two, she found an interest in singing, and she and her family formed an ensemble of singers called Vocal Variations in 2010. To escape the world of reality she started her Tumblr blog in the seventh grade. Peyton Clark, her older brother is an actor and model. Jairus Kersey was her first love. They were engaged in 2017 and welcomed one daughter, Brinley. Their first child Rosemary was born in September of 2018 and they got married in April of 2018. They welcomed Cali the third of their children in October of 2020. Benn Suede, a Crown the Empire guitarist was also a ex-boyfriend. Acacia Brinley also worked as model for several brands. Untitled Eli Roth Crypt TV Snapchat Murder Mystery, Another Day in Paradise and the TV show CODE 9 were just a few of her parts. The name of her father is Richard Clark, and her mother's name is Mellissa Clark. She is the younger sister of two brothers who are older, Peyton Clark and Keegan Clark, as well as a younger sister named Maelie.


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